Stephens Lawyers & Consultants is a specialist boutique commercial law and business consultancy practice, emphasising expertise in intellectual property, competition and consumer law, franchising, media & entertainment and defamation law, e-commerce and technology law, biotechnology and pharmaceutical law, privacy and data protection, and international trade law and dispute resolution and litigation.
Stephens Lawyers is committed to understanding the client’s needs from a practical, commercial as well as legal perspective and delivering strategic and cost effective legal advice. Every client has direct access to a principal of the firm, who understand the complexities of operating a business in today’s commercial environment.
Focusing on particular industries, Stephens Lawyers has an understanding of the broad range of business, legal and compliance issues specific to its clients and market sector and is able to provide pragmatic and innovative advice.
Stephens Lawyers is a member of peak industry organisations representing the information communication technology and the biotechnology industries in Australia.
Our multi-skilled lawyer approach enables us to take a holistic approach to responding to complex legal issues and assist clients to manage commercial and legal risks. This has proven to be highly beneficial for clients who require independent, specialised, quality legal services from the one source.
Strategic planning and development of key business alliances are essential for successful entry into new markets. With extensive experience in the law and practice of international trade, our lawyers can play an important role in the planning process through the development and implementation of commercial legal strategies for e-commerce, exporting, importing, technology/know-how transfers and global marketing.
Stephens Lawyers has an extensive overseas network of independent law and consultancy firms enabling it to provide clients with information about specific markets and to facilitate global expansion including entry into the Australian market.
Contact us to find out more or to arrange a consultation.
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