Are your environmental marketing claims compliant? – Legal Update

Recent cases show that failure by businesses to ensure that environmental sustainability marketing claims are accurate can result in legal action being taken by regulators for false representations and misleading and deceptive conduct exposing the company and its directors to significant penalties and compensation claims.

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Changes to Australian Consumer Law introduce high penalties for Use of Unfair Contract Terms – Is your business ready?

Businesses have until 8 November 2023 to review their standard form contracts to ensure they comply with recent changes to the Australian Consumer Law which prohibit unfair contract terms – or risk incurring high financial penalties. This update offers an overview of the changes and provides some guidance on steps that can be implemented to minimise the risk of non-compliance.

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ACCC: Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2023/24 – Legal Update

Recognising the impact of current rising cost of living on Australian consumers, areas of ACCC scrutiny for 2023/24 include competition/anti-competitive conduct, fair trading and consumer protection issues in the digital economy, the energy, telecommunications and gas markets, environmental and sustainability claims, unfair contract terms and the financial services sector.

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