Advertising prescription-only medicines to the public can result in criminal and civil penalties for both corporations and individuals amounting to many millions of dollars. The Therapeutic Goods Administration has been stepping up its enforcement actions to stop unlawful advertising to the public of therapeutic goods including prescription-only medicines. This article includes some strategies that businesses can implement to minimize the risk of non-compliance.
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The new Medical Board/AHPRA “Guidelines For Registered Medical Practitioners who Advertise Cosmetic Surgery” came into effect on 1 July 2023. Health practitioners, individuals, businesses, and companies involved in advertising of health services will be subjected to greater scrutiny by the regulators who will be focusing on advertising and social media used to promote cosmetic surgery.
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The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (‘ACCC’) has issued its 2022/23 Compliance and Enforcement Policy and Priorities. The ACCC’s priorities for 2022/23 include a focus on manipulative or deceptive advertising and marketing practices in the digital economy, environmental claims and sustainability.
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Courts continue to award large sums for online defamation. High Court rules that companies, organisations or individuals who create and administer public Facebook pages or pages on other networking platforms, which encourage or facilitate the posting of comments or content by third party users, will be liable as publishers for third party defamatory content or comments that have been posted on their page…
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Australian privacy laws are complex with Commonwealth and State privacy legislation to be considered whenever a privacy breach occurs. Stephens Lawyers & Consultants’ ‘Privacy Breaches in N.S.W. – Information Sheet’ provides information on N.S.W. privacy laws. Privacy Breaches in New South Wales – Information Sheet Privacy breaches in New South Wales (NSW) involving an individual’s… Read More
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